By: Prudence Okonna

The FCT Administration is set to implement its e-education platforms across schools in order to improve access to education by residents within the territory.

This was disclosed during the FCT Executive Meeting (EXCO) FCT held on Monday, June 27, 2022. 

The EXCO meeting was chaired by the FCT Minister, Malam Muhammad Musa Bello.

The EXCO noted that when the platform is fully operational, it will enable students who are unable to attend classes physically can attend virtually, while students’ results and performance can be accessed and monitored by parents/guardians easily. 

The EXCO wants the FCT to operate e-education whereby lesson plans, scheme of work, and lesson notes are all online so that supervision can also be carried out without having to physically visit the schools. Accordingly, the EXCO directed the Education Secretariat to assiduously work to unveil all these plans early to enable residents enjoy the benefits. 

The Education secretary, Sani Dahir El-Katuzu , who briefed the Press revealed that the EXCO’s decision was prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, where schools had to be closed down.