Bank Donates Protective Garments to AEPB

By: Janet Peni & Omotoso Darlington

The Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) has received several protective garments from Keystone Bank being donation to the Board.

The protective garments are to be used by the waste management personnel of the AEPB as they strive to clean the capital city.

Speaking during the brief ceremony at Boards Corporate Headquarters at Central Business District, the Director, Abuja Environmental Protection Board, (AEPB), Engr. Osilamah Braimah, has expressed delight in the uncommon gesture of the bank, saying, the donation will help to improve the productivity of the waste management personnel.

While calling on other corporate organizations to emulate the kind gesture of Keystone Bank, Braimah on behalf of the FCT Administration appreciated the donation.

The Director said the protective garments will not not motivate waste management personnel but will protect them from danger, particularly from motorists while sweeping the streets.

He restated that this is the first time in the history of the Board for any Bank to make such donation, and emphasized that it is a big deal for the management of AEPB.

“Good deeds and acts of kindness are not measured by the size of the giver but by the desire to give,” he reiterated.

In his remarks earlier, Mr. Suleiman Mohammed, head, Public Sector Group, who led the Keystone delegation to AEPB, said, “as part of Keystone Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR), we present the 88 protective garments to support the government’s environmental sanitation efforts”.

“As a bank, we believe seriously that if we neglect the environment, we are all going to suffer for it. The starting point is supporting those who are directly and actively participating in taking care of the environment. These are the people we see every day and night, under the sun and in the rain keeping our environment clean and safe. Therefore,
providing them with a protective garment will go a long way in protecting and motivating them to work in a safe and encouraging manner. We don’t want them to be exposed to unnecessary dangers that could be averted by simply providing such garments,” he added.

He stated that his organization acknowledges the great work AEPB is doing and “as a Bank, we are much interested in our environment. This is just the beginning; we will return with other laudable initiatives”.