FCT Community Engagement Goes Digital

The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has procured digital tools for all members of the FCT Community Engagement Team (CET) to ensure easy access and connectivity.

Presenting high definition Laptops to the Team, the FCT Secretary, Area Council Services Secretariat, Mr. Lawrence Garki, said the move is a way of making data collection and its accessibility easy.

Garki said that the innovation is expected to reduce the cost of Administrative responsibilities as it’ll cut off the high cost of transportation in the process.

His words: “The measure will reduce the cost of carrying out administrative responsibilities to bearable minimum standards.”

He added that the use of technology at this point has became necessary to leverage on its advantages.

“The procurement of the gadgets is to enable the Team connect to the Secretariat with ease at all times, he reiterated.

“The essence of this is to collect data, organize data, interpret data as well as share data and make data accessible to the government. It is an Octopus strategy where we leverage on the structure of the grassroot to move the capacity of the communities to the FCT Administration and the capacity of the of the FCT Administration to the communities using the Community Engagement Team,” the Secretary restated.

Garki opined that the bigger picture in this gesture is to help government make informed decisions and help the Secretariat with resource allocation as credible and verified information gathered from the grassroot will help the Secretariat and the FCT Administration to know the areas that needs to be focused on.

He, however, charged the members of the CET to carry out their duties diligently because their job is will provide the needed information to the government.

He advised them not to just collect information but to also liaise with the Zonal Offices to initiate programmes based on what they notice within their communities.