Reps call for immortalization of late Chief Anenih

House of Representatives rose from its plenary after reflecting on the life and times of the late Chief Anthony Akhako Anenih as a statesman and purveyor of democracy.

The chamber resolved that the he should be immortalized by naming the National Institute of Construction Technology and Management (NICT) in his hometown, Uromi, Edo State, after him.

This was the outcome of a seven-paragraph motion sponsored by Hon. Sergius Ogun on the floor of the Green Chamber recently.

The motion flags off with introductory rite that goes down memory lane of the deceased, Chief Anthony Anenih, who “…worked assiduously for the entrenchment of peace, justice, development, stability of democracy and entrenchment of democratic ideals in Nigeria.”

Paragraph two highlights the late Anenih’s exploits while in the Nigeria Police Force from the period he served  “as an orderly to the first President and Governor–General, the late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe before he voluntarily retired from the Force in 1976 as a Commissioner of Police.”

The discernment in paragraph three is that of bringing into reckoning several awards which he won “…including the Long Service Medal, an award usually given to officers in the Nigeria Police Force who had a clean and impeccable record.”

Paragraph four portrays the late Chief Anenih, popularly called ‘Mr. Fix It’, as a retired Policeman-turned-politician: “…who had undying love for his country and in 2003, was conferred with the National Honor of Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR)”.

In a demonstration of uncommon love for institutional growth and the Federal Government, the late Chief Anenih, in paragraph five, was said to have donated his massive Nova Hotel facility at Uromi at no cost for use as temporary take-off site of NICT.

By naming the institute after him, the sixth paragraph pointed out, ”’the ideals of love, sacrifice, patriotism, courage, and hard work will be further entrenched in the lives of Nigerian leaders and politicians” as the cognate lesson from the life and times of the late Chief Anenih.

With its depth of well-researched framework, backed by facts-driven hypothesis, Hon. Ogun’s motion is a good case-study in selfless service to one’s nation.