Stakeholders Call for Improved Dental Health infrastructure in Primary Health Centers

By: Prudence Okonna

Stakeholders have called for improved Dental Services at the Primary Health Care Centers by tackling issues of inadequate infrastructure, Personnel, and power supply as well as lack of willpower to implement policies.

It was also noted that priority must be given to the Primary Health Care Centers for the overall improvement of services for the populace at the grassroots across the FCT.

This was the position of the FCT Chairman, Nigerian Dental Association (FCT-NDA), Dr. Olatunji Abdulhakeem during the sensitization campaign and commemoration of the World Oral Health Day this Tuesday, at the Dayspring Nursery and Primary School Kubwa, Abuja.  

Abdulhakeem while highlighting the importance of prioritizing oral health in Primary Health Care Centers, lamented the difficulties experienced by Patients who have dental health challenges and have to leave their local health centers to secondary health facilities to receive treatment.

While emphasizing that oral health affects the body’s overall well-being, the FCT-NDA Chairman, called on policymakers to make and implement policies that encourage the availability of Dental health services across Primary Health facilities.

The convener of the Sensitization campaign and Executive Director, Center for School Health Education and Environmental Hygiene (CSHEEH), Dr. Folashade Momoh said coming to the School was as important as the message of Oral Hygiene. She explained that Children are change agents and will easily assimilate, practice and disseminate information to their family and friends.

Dr. Momoh also called on Parents to be good role models by practicing oral hygiene with their wards as children easily imitate whatever they see. She further highlighted that Schools should include the practicality of Oral Hygiene in their Curriculum to drive home the needed message.

Speaking earlier, the Proprietress of Dayspring Nursery and Primary School Kubwa F.A Babade who was represented by the Head Teacher, Tunrayo Adubiobi expressed her appreciation to CSHEEH for coming to educate her pupils and providing the oral Health kits to both pupils and staff. She promised to pay forward their gesture by continuing the sensitization in the school.

As part of activities to drive the sensitization campaign, about 270 pupils received a health talk on the importance of oral hygiene and some dental hygiene kit.

World Oral Health Day is marked annually on March 20 to raise awareness on a myriad of issues around oral health and the importance of oral hygiene by calling on governments and agencies to work together towards healthier mouths. The theme for 2023 is “Be Proud of Your Mouth, For a Lifestyle of Smiles”.