Abuja Original Inhabitants Set to Launch New Platforms

By: Prudence Okonna

Abuja Original Inhabitants Youths Empowerment Organization (AOIYEO) has concluded arrangements to launch new platforms to encourage accountability, interaction, and enlightenment.

AOIYEO’s Programs manager, Bitrus Lawrence Garki, disclosed this during a press briefing to highlight the activities promoting the rights of Abuja Original Inhabitants in the past year and the plans of the organization going forward.

He stated that the platforms include Know, Ask, and Follow (KAF) platform and the Abuja OIPedia platform.

 Adding that KAF is a dynamic enlightenment and accountability initiative that advocates for the fair distribution of governmental interventions in communities and has a series of application frameworks that enable individuals or communities to generate diverse accountability queries for and to their elected government-appointed representatives.

While the Abuja OIPedia platform is a cultural repository for the original inhabitants of Abuja. Emphasizing that it is an open-source platform that anybody can contribute to, as long as their content is rich and credible.

Lawrence also encouraged interested contributors to take advantage of the platform for research and educational purposes while stating the organization’s activities include advocacy visits to FCT Stakeholders, Political and Traditional Leaders as well as engagement with community members through strategy meetings.