Minister Tasks Trade Union On Fight Against Vandalism

By: Wisdom Acka

As the menace of vandalization of public facilities has assumed a threatening dimension in Abuja, Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello has solicited the assistance of the unions and residents of the Territory to contain it.

Bello made the appeal when the Executive Committee members of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), FCT Council paid him a courtesy call in his office.

The Minister intimated the TUC members of the challenges of vandalisation of critical public infrastructure and urged them to join in the fight against the vandals and criminals by reporting their activities to relevant authorities and encouraging other members of the public to do the same.

He explained that the FCT Administration had expended huge financial resources to improve the security of the city through the provision of streetlights and other city infrastructure but the activities of vandals have continued to impinge its efforts, hence the need for all residents  to be involved in securing public facilities.

Bello commended the labour union for a successful transition from one Executive Council to another and for the invaluable services its members provide to Nigerians and pledged the continued support of the FCT Administration to the trade union and endure relationship between the two remained cordial.

He noted that it was through collaborative efforts with the trade unions and other organisations that the FCTA was able to achieve its mandate of providing excellent services to residents.

“If for any reason public servants fail in the delivery of public service across board, the nation suffers. That is why it is very important for any government to appreciate the leaders of the public service sector,” he said.

His words: “That is what we have been doing here in the FCT and I assure you that with this new team, we will continue with that….because our objectives are the same”.

Leader of the delegation and past chairman of the TUC, FCT Council, Comrade Amodu, Olayinka praised the Minister for the great strides he had made in infrastructural development of the FCT, describing him as a “silent achiever”.

On his part, the new TUC Chairman, Comrade Audu Paul Akogwu, thanked the Minister for supporting his union in its activities to improve the welfare of workers; adding that that visit was also to identify with the efforts of the Minister in the development of the nation’s capital as well as seek areas of possible collaboration with the FCTA.