Ministerial Nominees: Abuja Natives Hail Tinubu

By: Niyi Lawal & Prudence Okonna

The FCT Indigenous group under the auspices of Abuja Original Inhabitants Youth Empowerment Organization, (AOIYEO) have applauded President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for finding one of the indigenes Hon. Zaphaniah Bitrus Jisalo worthy of being appointed as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

This was contained in a Press Release signed by the President of the Association, Commandant Isaac David, while explaining the mood of all the people of FCT, when it was revealed that, for the first time, Abuja indigene was included in the list submitted to National Assembly for confirmation.

Isaac, who was full of appreciation and commendation for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, revealed  that since 1976, it is the first time that an Abuja original inhabitant will have an opportunity to be part of government.

His words: “Tinubu actually proves that he is the best for this country, because he happened to be the only and first President in the history of this country to have listened to our yearnings since 1976, since our people have been running from pillar to post against persecution, marginalization and right infringement.

“He has given us a rare sense of belonging, he has made a bold step to renew our hope in the unity and progress of the country,” he stressed.

He reiterated  that the people of FCT will forever remain grateful because the President  has shown that OIs are not second class citizens by promptly restoring their political rights.

According to the statement, Isaac has, therefore, called for unflinching support by all the Original inhabitants home and abroad for the success of this government.

Meanwhile, Isaac was quick to appeal to Senators from northern extraction to stand in support of the nominee to be able to scale through the hurdles of screening, knowing the fact that FCT has only one Senator.

“so it is equally important to call our Senators from the north to stand in support of our man,” he added.

The Abuja youth leader also assured the residents of the city not to entertain any fear about this development, adding that nomination of one of them is going to be a blessing to all.

His words: “I am saying this to disabuse the minds of few people who hold impression that there would be problem if any of indigenes is given power because we are peace loving people, so there is no cause for alarm.”