Sa’Peyi Garki Turbans Jisalo, Hakimin Garki, 14 Others

By: Wisdom Acka

Traditional Ruler of Garki (Sa’Peyi Garki), Usman Nga-Kupi, over the weekend, turbaned Mr. Zaphania Bitrus Jisalo, former member, House of Representatives as District Head of Garki (Hakimi).

The Sa’Peyi Garki also turbaned 14 others, along side the new Hakimin Garki in his Palace, in Garki, Abuja.

Speaking to some journalists after the exercise, the Royal Father said that the action was in line with the tradition and values of the people, to get some of his subjects to assist him in running the affairs of Garki chiefdom.

Nga-Kupi explained that owing to the status of Garki as the host of seat of Federal Government and FCT, it has faced exceeding population hence the necessity to get more hands to run its affairs.

He noted that because population was growing geometrically, it became imperative to have more district and village heads to checkmate and assist, especially in the area of security.

Sa’Peyi called on the new chiefs to see themselves as a ladder between the government and the people; adding, “we have to assist and work as a team in the areas of security, education, preservation of our culture, norms and values, and and peace within the chiefdom”.

His words: “Being the seat of government, we must have to be very careful to try and see if we can assist the government. We must make sure we cooperate with the government and support their policies to have peaceful development.

“We are all stakeholders. We will accommodate both the indigenous peoples and all Nigerians. We do not want any body to bring in religious, political or ethnic sentiments because Nigeria belongs to all of us. We must all allow peace to reign. We don’t have another country to call our own”, he remarked.

The Royal Father, therefore, called on all Nigerians to shun corruption and support the government of President Muhammadu Buhari and the incoming government of Bola Ahmad Tinubu.

“Those who have some challenges, I am happy with the politicians for deciding to go to court, which is the best for all of us”, he said.

To the AMAC Chairman, Christopher Maikalangu, Saturday was a unique day as more hands were being brought to support the Sa’Peyi of Garki to ensure peace, security and development in the chiefdom.

He stated that chiefs were “one of the machineries we use in ensuring that there is peace across the municipality”.

Maikalangu therefore congratulated the turbaned chiefs and charged them to be “patient and fair to all residents in discharging their duties”.

Responding on behalf of others, Zaphania Jisalo stated that it was additional responsibility given them, especially him already being a crown Prince and Yerima of Garki.

The former AMAC Chairman and ex-member, House of Representatives pledged that he would discharge the responsibility with respect to the cultures of all Nigerians in Garki and FCT

Abuja Digest reports that 11 district heads and four village heads were turbaned as hakimis or dakates of Garki chiefdom respectively.