…Reassures residents of their safety

By: Prudence Okonna

The heads of Security formations in Abuja have commended the FCT Administration over the procurement and distribution of sixty operational vehicles fitted with state–of–the–art equipment and donated to security agencies.

In a statement signed by the Director Information and Communication, FCT, Muhammad Hazat Sule, the heads of Security formations made the commendation at the just concluded Monthly FCT Security Committee meeting held Thursday 24th November 2022, in Abuja.

Additionally, they emphasized that the donations were “strategically done to assist and enhance their performance” and enjoined the FCT Administration to procure more vehicles to enable the security Agencies to increase their surveillance coverage.

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello, who chaired the meeting promised to procure and distribute more operational vehicles fitted with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that the dark spots are combed, and criminals are rooted out wherever they are in the Federal Capital Territory.

The FCT Security Committee has reassured the residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of the safety of their lives and property, as adequate security arrangements have been made to sustain the state of law and order in the nation’s capital, Abuja.

The Meeting examined the current state of law and order in and around the Territory and reassured that all necessary arrangements have been made by the government in conjunction with security agencies to safeguard the lives and property of all residents.

The Committee noted that the FCT Administration is doing everything possible to checkmate the activities of criminally minded persons in all the nooks and crannies of the Territory, especially pockets of kidnapping in the rural areas of such as the Yaba axis in the Abaji Area Council.

The Committee noted that the security agencies have adopted proactive measures to fish out criminals and other persons wishing to truncate the peace and tranquility of the FCT; stressing that such cases are being tackled frontally.

The Committee received a report from the Directorate of Road Traffic Service (DRTS) updating it on the progress made in the new regime of the ban on commercial motorcycles in the Abuja metropolis and adjoining strategic areas. Thus, on Wednesday 16th November 2022, 118 commercial motorcycles were impounded and crushed in Durumi District; while 300 commercial motorcycles were also impounded and immediately crushed at Area 1 under the bridge totaling 418.

The meeting urged the residents to, as usual, cooperate at all times with the security agencies by volunteering useful and timely information that will assist in nipping any form of criminality in the bud.