Subsidy Removal: Benue Govt. Procures 100 Buses . . . sets to revive moribund coys

By: Ben Ukeji

In its efforts to ameliorate the hardship being experienced by citizens as a result of subsidy removal on Petroleum Products by the Federal Government, the Benue State Government has procured 100 buses for the mass transportation of motoring public across the hinterland in the 23 Local Government Areas of the State.

The buses purchased would soon be handed over to the State-owned company, Benue Links for deployment on identified routes at a subsidized rate for the benefit of the Benue people as well as other visitors.

The Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, disclosed this when he hosted the delegation of the Conference of Benue Journalists (CBJ), over the weekend in Markudi.

The Governor said his Administration in recognition of the plight of the masses following the astronomical increase in transportation fares, procured the buses for use by the masses at controlled and affordable prices.

Alia stated that despite the daunting challenges of developing and transforming a State like Benue, which is faced with limited and dwindling resources, his Administration is genuinely committed to changing the fortune of the State by harnessing the untapped natural resources and the talented youthful population.

He said the acquisition of the buses to improve services and relieve the burden of transportation on the less privileged, as well as the resuscitation of moribund valuable assets belonging to the State are all in line with his Administration’s 7 Points Agenda.

The Governor further stated that the Vehicle Computerized Inspection Center, located at the North Bank axis of the Makurdi metropolis is designed to assess the roadworthiness of vehicles plying roads in the State and also the mental capacity of drivers.

According to him, the Administration’s partnership with the federal government is yielding fruitful results as the security of lives and property has greatly improved; urging investors to take advantage of the huge mineral deposits and friendly business environment to invest in key sectors of the nation’s economy.

Alia explained that his government sponsorship of 10,000 youths for training on Information and Communication Technology ( ICT), backed by Google is on course, especially with the establishment of an ICT center at the Benue State University.

The Governor hinted that the 16 ongoing township road projects in the State Capital, would soon be completed and other towns such; as Gboko, Otukpo, and Katsina-Ala will also benefit from the scheme.

Earlier, the Commissioner for Works and Housing, Barr. Omale Omale lauded the Governor for his honesty and dedicated leadership.

Omale, while conducting the CBJ delegation around some projects executed by the Administration under his purview, said the Governor has given express approval to the management of Benue Links to rehabilitate the Head office of the transport Company located in Wurukum.

Also speaking, the Acting Manager, of Benue Links, Mr. Alex Fanfa, commended Governor Alia for his vision and determination to transform the State-owned Company into a viable, profitable enterprise.

He said the entire management of Benue Links has keyed into the Governor’s vision and it is prepared to lift the company from the poor state it met.

Fanafa revealed that Alia has directed him, to reconstruct the structural architecture of the head office into a Mega City Plaza, befitting the status of the Benue Links brand.

In his remarks, the President of CBJ, Dr. Emmanuel Anule, commended the Governor for his clear vision and steps taken toward the realization of an ideal Benue State.

He said the entirety of members of the professional body, CBJ, is convinced that the Governor is on the right track and Benue would soon bounce back to reckoning.

Anule appreciated the Governor for hosting the Association and pledged a sustained partnership between the CBJ and the State government for the ultimate good of the entire Benue people.