FCTA to support the activities of the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation in Abuja

By: Prudence Okonna

The FCT Minister, Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello, made this  pledge, while receiving members of the Board of Trustees and Management of the foundation in his office on Thursday. 

The Minister recalled that the late Sir. Ahmadu Bello had a great influence on him as a child and as a student, as well as on the lives of many other Nigerians.

Mallam Bello, this, expressed the appreciation of the FCT Administration to the Foundation for its humanitarian activities in the nation’s capital, especially for its donation to the FCT at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Malam Bello, was decorated as an Ambassador of the Foundation during the visit by the Chairman of its Board of Trustees, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu who commended the good work the Minister is doing in the FCT.

Speaking on the activities of the Foundation, Dr. Aliyu said it was deeply involved in the education sector with the provision of scholarships to indigent students whom he said were doing very well in their academic pursuits.

He also used the opportunity to call on Nigerians with the means to sponsor indigent students through school, to do so.

Highlighting the legacies of Sir. Ahmadu Bello, Dr. Aliyu described him as a detribalized Nigerian. 

His word: “There was no discrimination in terms of religion or tribe. All the stories you hear were of unifying the people”.

“We need to remind our children and ourselves that there are values in the northern region that you must stick with if you want to remain united and develop properly”, he added.

The Secretary of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, its Director General and CEO, Engr. Abubakar Gambo Umar, Chief of Staff to the Minister, Malam Bashir Mai-Bornu, Executive Secretary, FCDA, Engr. Shehu Hadi, and other officials of the Foundation and the FCTA were present at the occasion.