We’re Using Technology to Optimise Our Performance -FCT-IRS

By: Wisdom Acka

Use of technology in all our processes at the Federal Capital Territory Internal Revenue Service (FCT-IRS) has ensured optimization of our performance.

Acting Executive Chairman, FCT-IRS, Haruna Abdullahi, has said.

Abdullahi, who stated this in a goodwill message at the International Technology and Communication Expo (ITEC Expo 2023) in Abuja, reiterated the commitment of the Service to priortising technology because it was making procedures of accessing services by taxpayers easier.

The FCT-IRS boss, therefore, underscored the importance of taxation as the mainstay of the economy and the need to leverage and optimise the use of technology to boost revenue generation at all levels.

His words: “In FCT-IRS, we have built our platforms to be technology driven. Technology is now driving all our processes, from Taxpayers Identification Number (TIN), to registration, verification, payment and issuance of Tax Clearance Certificate among others.”

“The Service under my watch is open to innovation and new technology to further enhance our collection and simplify the processes for our taxpayers in the FCT,” he stated.

“As we explore the vast landscape of modern technology, let us also consider the essential role that taxation plays in supporting and sustaining these advancements” he stressed.

According to him, taxes were the lifeblood of any economy because they provided the funds needed for public services, infrastructure, and social programmes that form the backbone of the society.

He noted that a strong tax-paying culture was vital in enabling the government invest in the technologies and industries of the future.

Abdullahi disclosed that FCT-IRS was deeply committed to fostering a vibrant ecosystem where technology and communications could thrive.

The Chairman said that the Service was focused on evolving technological means to meet challenges of the digital age with a view to simplifying and streamlining tax compliance, and making it easier for businesses and individuals to meet their obligations.