Work Towards Improved Service Delivery; FCT Water Board GM Tasks Staff

By: Umar Suleiman Akko

The Acting General Manager of the FCT Water Board, Mr. Daniel Salka, has challenged Staff of the Board to redouble their efforts towards improving service delivery to the residents of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Accordingly, working towards improved service delivery automatically increase the revenue base of the organization.

The Acting General Manager stated this while presenting a set of computer hardware and software with accessories to five Area Offices and three Units of the Board.

He said that the presentation of the set of Computers was done as part FCT Water Board’s commitment to its partnership with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency, JICA’s Business Advisory Project aimed at reducing Non Revenue Water and to boost service delivery and enhance revenue generation.

The General Manager admitted that even though the Water Board is generating about three hundred million naira monthly, he said the amount is still fifty two percent (52%) of the annual revenue target set for the Board.

While commending the staff for achieving the unprecedented feat, he reminded them that they could do even better by upping the ante through rededication, professionalism and efficiency in service delivery.

While appealing to the recipients of the first batch of Computers, to judiciously use them, Salka assured that all other Area offices and Units would also get the computers in due course.

Responding on behalf of the beneficiaries, the Area Manager of Jabi Area Office, Yusuf Yelwa commended the Acting General Manager for motivating them and promised that they would use the computers for the purpose they were procured.

The Japanese International Cooperation Agency JICA is in partnership with FCT Water Board to, among other things actualize the Corporate status of the Agency as enshrined in the FCT Water Board Act 2017.

Similarly JICA is assisting the Board in capacity building, Non Revenue Reduction efforts; development of Legal Framework; Customer Service Charter and the application of SmartBills Cloud billing system for Ease of Doing Business.