Renew Our Hope, FCT Natives Begs President Tinubu

By: Sunday Shekwonya

The Natives of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have appealed to President Bola Tinubu to renew their hope by appointing a native of the FCT as one of his Ministers.

The natives made this appeal in a letter signed by Daniel Dauda Zhidu Esq, AMAC Representative FCT-Youth Network, dated June 19, 2023, addressed to President Ahmed Tinubu.

According to the natives, it is a reality that since the advent of democratic dispensation in May 1999, no nomination for a ministerial appointment has been made from Abuja-FCT, and that not even as little as the appointment of Personal Assistant has been made of any indigene of Abuja-FCT.

The letter reads, “Yet by the combined relevant provisions of the Constitution (Sections; 14(3), 147(3), 42 and 299) as juxtaposed the Court of Appeal Case of Okoyode vs. FCDA[2005] 27 WRN 97 the locus classic case that by a unanimous decision of a Full Court of 5 Justices, declared Abuja-FCT to be in law a State in the federation.

“Thus Abuja Indigenes are entitled like the other 36 States to the appointment of at least one of them as a Minister into the Federal Executive Council,” the letter added.

“No amount of hue cry and continuous peaceful agitations by Abuja Indigenes has changed the situation. And so, therefore, we remain the only people without a voice in the federal cabinet. Such has been the status quo till date,” the letter lamented.

The letter further reads, “Your Excellency Sir, on January 15, 2018, the court of appeal in the case of Panya vs. President FRN & ORS 2018 15 NWLR(pt.1643); (2018) LPELR-(CA), ordered an immediate appointment of FCT native as a minister into the Federal Executive Council, however, the order was not complied with.

“We the FCT Youths know you as a father, who believes in the Rule of Law and your previous antecedents have shown the wonderful reforms you have done for the betterment of our dear country and ours will not be an exception,” it said.

The natives further said that the Renewed Hope has finally come, it is time to break away from the past, saying that it is a time to upturn the status quo and a new beginning and charting a course for Nigeria’s greatness.

“The ushering of the reign of Rule of Law as against corruption and outright impunity. A Change that would correct the imbalances bedeviling the polity. A Change for righting all wrongs, real or otherwise,” Barr. Zhidu stated.