FCT-UBEB, NGO Begins Training of Teachers in Public Schools

By: Patience Ossai

Determine to improve the quality of teaching across the Federal Capital Territory, the FCT Universal Basic Education Board (FCT-UBEB), has begun training teachers in Public Schools to equip them with the necessary techniques and skills required from teachers in the digital age.

The training is being conducted in partnership with ILLMI Children’s Fund, a Non Governmental organization (NGO), based in the FCT that places high premium on the education of children of the less privileged.

Acting Chairman, FCT-UBEB, Dr. Alhassan Sule, said the training is aimed at imbibing in the teachers, skills that would enable them to scale up productivity and quality delivery of instructions in the FCT public schools.

Sule affirmed that it is only quality education that guarantees a better future for the next generation.

According to him, education is the solution to some of the challenges in the country and therefore, what will upscale its quality must be encouraged.

He insisted that the nation’s social challenges including terrorism, and banditry can best be remedied through the classroom by shaping the learner’s characters and impacting the right knowledge so that the children can become useful to themselves and the country at large.

Sule maintained that improving the standard of education in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) is the responsibility of everyone, and “thus, Basic Education is the foundation for achieving quality education”.

Earlier, the Founder and Executive Director of ILLMI Children’s Fund, Hajia Maryam Augie- Abdulmunin, said the NGO aims to improve the literacy level in Nigeria; and also prioritize literacy amongst children that are least likely to receive any form of formal education.

The Deputy Director, of ILLMI Children’s Fund, Mr. Emmanuel Anthony, in his remark on the activities of the organization, sought the sustenance of the partnership.

“The organization has shown deep passion and professionalism in executing its task,” he said.