FCT Area Council Staff Pension Positioned To Sustain Retirees Empowerment

By: Victoria Agorom & Nandyr Wuyep

As part of efforts towards achieving its statutory mandate, the Federal Capital Territory Area Council Staff Pension Board (FCT-ACSPB) said it has established viable platforms aimed at sustaining various empowerment programmes for retirees to ensure they enjoy quality lives after service.

The Executive Director of the Board, Mr. Suleiman Abdulrahaman disclosed this in his keynote address during a one day pre-retirement planning workshop organised by the Board for 58 retirees from the six Area Councils and Local Education Authorities.

The Executive Director stated that organising such programmes for retirees, who have been paid their entitlements has remained the culture of the Board overtime and described retirement as the pinnacle of every worker’s career.

He intimated that the essence of the workshop was to train the retirees on measures that would help them navigate through retirement processes without encountering negative trends.

He, therefore, called on the retirees to explore the immense knowledge the workshop offered to improve their lives, while charging them to imbibe positive attitudes to enable them live well.

He stressed that the Board would continue to ensure that retirees receive their benefits as at and when due.

Abdulrahaman, who was recently appointed to man the Board, revealed his intent to build on the successes of his predecessors and at the same time expressed his plans to introduce reforms and innovations that would further strengthen the Board.

In her presentation on ‘Ageing and Health’ during the programme, a Health Management Officer, Dr. Nafisat Joy Kabir advised participants to always engage healthy lifestyles for optimal living; stating that retirement could be a fulfilling period in ones life.
Dr. Kabir, while outlining tips for ageing well which include; good food, good sleeping patterns, active lifestyle, regular exercises as well balanced social and family life, told the participants that ageing is a process and ageing well a direct outcome of ones lifestyle.

Similarly, in his presentation on ‘Mental Health and Ageing’, another Health Expert, Jeph Oluwagbemiga urged the retirees to take advantage of the opportunities which retirement offers to better their lives and also encouraged them to possess positive mindsets for balanced living.