Don’t Embarrass Nigeria in Holy Lands -Director

By: Wisdom Acka

Director, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board, Dabara Vingo has called on the intending Christian pilgrims not to embarrass the nation’s capital and Nigeria while in the Holy land.

He stated this on Monday, during commencement of screening exercise for the intending pilgrims at the board headquarters in Abuja.

Vingo noted that the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) would not tolerate any act that will portray the Territory in a bad light, considering its continuous commitment to the successful exercise of pilgrims to Israel and the Kingdom of Jordan.

The Director said the board, which responsibility is to ensure that necessary arrangements are well put in place for the FCT Christian Pilgrims to embark on the journey, will not accept misconduct from anyone.

According to him, all those who have indicated interest to participate in the spiritual exercise must be submissive in all areas, especially to the authorities of the board to ascertain the necessary checks.

Vingo said: “The intending pilgrims have declared interest to perform pilgrimage to Israel and the Kingdom of Jordan, so they must adhere strictly to the rules and regulations to avoid national embarrassment to FCT and Nigeria, it will bring about spiritual growth as well as the good of our country.

“There should be submission, Pilgrimage is not an easy task, those who are participating in the Holy exercise must declare full interest in the activities for them to gain”

He said the screening will continue till the final day is fixed for departure of the intending pilgrims to the Holy land.

The zonal coordinator, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), North Central, Nickolas Kiva at the screening also advised intending Pilgrims not to see the pilgrim platform as an economic advantage to them.

“They must go for the purpose of the pilgrimage understanding the mood of the country, let them pray for the good of Nigeria, those with the economic reasons should take another route not the Pilgrimage way while in the Holy land”

Kiva commended the FCT Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board for making the necessary provisions for a hitch free spiritual exercise.