FCT Education Secretariat spits fire, warns politicians off public schools


By Felix Durumbah

Keep off our schools! That was the stern warning from authorities of Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Education Secretariat to political parties and their agents who access public academic institutions in the Territory for their partisan political activities and campaigns.

In a strongly-worded statement by Education Secretary, Dr. Bala Mohammed Liman,  signed by the Assistant Director Information, in the Secretariat, Mr. Tony Ogunleye, the authorities stated in clear, unmistakable terms that FCT Administration (FCTA) ”will not tolerate the infiltration of its school system for political purposes in any guise or form.”

Abuja Digest Weekly learnt authoritatively that the Education Secretariat resorted to the measure to isolate the young, impressionable minds in the schools from the polluting influences of some politicians on the emotional stability of the pupils/students and the possible acts of vandalism which their activities could leave on the course of any such gathering.

The statement read in full that: ”We wish to state very clearly that the Education Secretariat will not tolerate the infiltration of its school system for political purposes in any guise or form.

”We have a statutory responsibility to ensure the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of the students and pupils under our care and these cannot be guaranteed should there be unfettered access to our schools by political parties, individual politicians, their agents or representatives.

”We therefore caution all those planning to use our students or school premises for partisan political activities to, in their own interest, please, stay away.

”Our principals and head teachers have also been advised not to grant any access whatsoever to any individual or organization intending to use their schools or access the students for partisan political activities.

”Any principal or head teacher that contravenes this directive will be sanctioned in accordance with the extant civil service rules and regulations.

”Any individual or group that wishes to access any public school in the FCT for whatever reason should first seek permission from the Office of the Secretary for Education.”

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